eduABROAD - обучение за рубежом


Каталог зарубежных учебных заведений

Aarhus School of Business /Дания

Alma Graduate School (Болонский университет) /Италия

Arbutus College /Канада

Aston Business School /Великобритания

Berlin School of Economics (FHW Berlin) /Германия

BI /Норвегия

Тип: бизнес–школа.
Местонахождение: Nydalsveien 37, 0442 Oslo, Norway.

Bournemouth Business School International /Великобритания

Burgundy School of Business /Франция

Cass Business School /Великобритания

CEU Business School /Венгрия

Cranfield School of Management /Великобритания

Darden School of Business /США

Durham Business School /Великобритания

EDHEC Business School /Франция

Тип: бизнес–школа.
Местонахождение: 58, rue du Port, Lille, France.

ESCP — EAP European School of Management /Великобритания, Германия, Испания, Италия, Франция

ESSEC /Франция

Euromed Marseille Ecole de Management /Франция

European Business School (EBS) /Германия

European Business School London /Великобритания

European School of Economics (ESE) /Великобритания, Италия, США, Испания

European School of Management & Technology (ESMT) /Германия, Италия, Франция, Испания, Великобритания

Fuqua School of Business (Duke University) /США

Goethe Business School /Германия

Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley /США

Harvard Business School /США

Тип: бизнес–школа.
Местонахождение: Soldiers Field Boston, MA, USA.

HEC School of Management /Франция

HfB Business School of Finance & Management /Германия

Hult International Business School /США

IE Business School /Испания

IEDC Bled School of Management /Словения

IESE Business School /Испания, США

IMD /Швейцария

INSEAD /Франция

Judge Institute of Management (Cambridge University’s Business School) /Великобритания

Lancaster University Management School /Великобритания

Leeds University Business School /Великобритания

London Business School /Великобритания

London Graduate School of Management /Великобритания

London School of Business and Finance /Великобритания

London School of Commerce /Великобритания

London School of Management Sciences /Великобритания

Manchester Business School Worldwide /Великобритания

Melbourne Business School /Австралия

MIT Sloan School of Management /США

Nanyang Business School /Сингапур

Nottingham Business School (Nottingham Trent University) /Великобритания

Reims Management School /Франция

Rennes International School of Business /Франция

Ross School of Business (University of Michigan) /США

Schulich School of Business /Канада

Swiss School of Management /Италия

University of Business and Finance Switzerland /Швейцария

University of Chicago Graduate School of Business (Chicago GSB) /США, Великобритания, Сингапур

University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB) /ЮАР

Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School /Бельгия, Россия

Wharton School of Business /США

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